Blue Diamond Gift Store

In another instance of "it's in my own backyard all these years but I've never gone...", I ventured to the Blue Diamond Gift Store yesterday. I'm going to a food blogger conference this weekend and we are supposed to bring a gift that either represents our blog or our area. I had been stuck on what to take until someone said "almonds". This made perfect sense to me and so I headed to Blue Diamond.

Located at 1700 C Street, the building is considered an historic landmark. The site is still in operation today. In fact, it turns out that 2010 is their 100 year anniversary. Blue Diamond has 80% of the world market in almonds and sells to 95 countries.

I was surprised by the size of the store. It was very large and open with colorful and attractive displays of all their products. I had no idea they made so many items. But with the push to healthy foods you will find everything from the nuts to almond milk, butter and paste. There were also the logo items like t-shirts.

For those of us who like to bake, they sell 4 and 7 lb. cans of almond paste as well as 4 lb. cans of slivered and sliced almonds. Most of the gift packages revolve on the different flavored almonds. The gift I ended up with had almonds, chocolate almond milk, and almond popcorn.

If you are in need of a gift representing Sacramento, then consider checking out the Blue Diamond store yourself.

Search for blue diamond almonds