As of last Friday I am no longer associated with SactoMoFo. It's a bit sad because I created the name and it is a pretty cool name, isn't it?
The three of us had different ideas of what SactoMoFo should be or do after the April event. I am definitely on the trucks' side and have been pretty outspoken in my blog and how I express myself. In order for me to continue to do so and not have my personal feelings confused with SactoMoFo's, we decided that it is best that I break off on my own. I will continue be a food truck advocate because I will always love street food and the idea of the trucks.
I heard from many that you wanted a better way to track the trucks because you don't all use Twitter, etc. So I made a Sac Food Truck Tracker and will try to get the trucks' schedules for each upcoming week.
I also created a @SacFoodTrucks Twitter account so that I can continue to share news from around the country to show how similar our struggle is. I keep close tabs on what other cities are doing about their own ordinances in the hopes that we can either use a similar one or be an example for other cities.
At this time I don't see a pressing need to create a Facebook page, but that could change.
I hope that the people who enjoyed what I shared and created on the SactoMoFo pages will continue to follow and support me on the other sites and here, as always. Please let your other food truck loving friends know about the new sites as well.