What's Happening with the Foodmob?

For anyone who follows the Foodmob Facebook page, you have seen that there's some changes going on. You probably didn't know exactly what, but you could tell things were happening. 

First, for the public, there is a new website. SacFoodMob.com is all new and includes the daily schedule and more. One section that will be growing is the Store which will sell things like apparel and food stuffs from the trucks, like jams, salsas, and BBQ sauce.

But what's more important is what's going on behind the scenes with the truck owners. 

In January the leadership team met with all the Foodmob related truck owners and presented them with the new layout for Foodmob. First, it's now a non-profit organization with a tax i.d. number. Money collected via dues and fees will go to things like signs/banners, tables, chairs, awnings, leasing of spaces, website, bookkeeping, etc.

Next, the Code of Conduct was discussed. All member trucks are expected to abide by it. These are always listed on the website and are:
  • Conduct business in a professional manner at all times.
  • Ensure Food Safety at all times.
  • Refraining from negative activity or speech in public or in print. It reflects badly on all members of FOODMOB.
  • Vendors will always leave a sales area in the same or better condition than when they arrived.
  • Any problems with a location will be addressed through FOODMOB management.
  • Must arrive at schedule location ready to serve in scheduled time slot and stay for the duration of assigned time, unless cleared with client or FOODMOB management.
  • ​Prep and set-up shall be conducted out side of  the scheduled time slot.
  • Promptly acknowledging and taking appropriate action on all customer concerns.
  • Refraining from any act intended to restrain trade or suppress competition.
  • Attaining and retaining insurance as required by state,county  and/or local authorities.
  • Attaining and retaining licensing and/or registration as required by state, county and/or local authorities.

This is important to you, the consumer, especially if you choose to book one or more Foodmob trucks for your event. We want you to know that we are going to strictly enforce our Code of Conduct and our membership criteria to ensure professionalism and quality. Also, by booking via Foodmob, you get one point of contact instead of having to deal with several contacts if you book more than one truck. Finally, Foodmob never asks for a booking fee from the client. It is our privilege to be able to come and bring our food to you.

Being in a group also offers both stability and support for the trucks. Foodmob is meant to supplement the trucks' schedules, not to be their scheduler. All trucks are expected to find their own daily business, but they can count on Foodmob should they need to fill a hole on their schedule. This is done by a set of client based locations that we have formal agreements with. We rotate our trucks at these locations so that all trucks have an equal opportunity and there is a constant diversity of food for the clients so they don't get bored. 

This rotation sharing fosters a sense of trust and camaraderie amongst our members. They know they can call another truck to cover a location should they suffer a breakdown or illness. They share new locations with each other and Foodmob. Instead of fighting over spots, there is a coordinated effort where trucks can know where each other is going each day.

Foodmob is also able to negotiate better as a group organization. We've been able to negotiate some contracts with certain groups/locations that proved to be better than what the trucks had been able to negotiate individually.  

As I said, the new Foodmob membership agreement was presented to the truck owners late last month. This week they send in their agreements. Some trucks have already declined membership. That's fine and we wish them well. But we also have many trucks that see the benefit of a group like this. 

So far they include: OraleMole Fuzion Eatz, Papa Dale's Diner, Om Karmabile, The Pizza Company, Squeeze Inn Truck , Off the Mapp Espresso , New Bite Catering, All Angle Catering, Cajun Wagon, Miz Shirley's, Bacon Mania, Sun Pizza, Pizza Box, Mama Kim's, OMG Yogurt, Mustache Mike's Italian Ice and even some trucks that are still in the shop being prepped for the streets.

Foodmob looks forward to doing business with you!  The Foodmob phone number is 916-394-6567. Email is Info@SacFoodMob.com.